
by Allison Schneider, MHA

ADVI Analysis: MedPAC Meeting September 2023

MedPAC held a meeting September 7-8, 2023 (link). The following relevant topics were discussed:

  • Medicare Advantage: MedPAC workplan
  • Standardized benefits in Medicare Advantage plans
  • Improving MedPAC’s estimate of Medicare Advantage coding intensity

ADVI Angle

The following are key takeaways from the September meeting:

  • Medicare Advantage: MedPAC workplan
    • Commissioners discussed the forthcoming analyses MedPAC will conduct and the chapters they will publish regarding Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, including an MA status report, standardizing MA benefits, and access/quality in MA
  • Standardized benefits in Medicare Advantage plans
    • Commissioners generally supported:
      • (1) standardizing Part A and B cost sharing and a minimum level of dental, hearing, and vision benefits
      • (2) limiting the number of plans that can be offered by each sponsor, and
      • (3) applying standardization to conventional MA plans only
  • Improving MedPAC’s estimate of Medicare Advantage Coding Intensity
    • MedPAC staff presented several methodologies for estimating MA coding intensity, including the “Demographic estimate of coding intensity” (DECI) method, described in a 2021 non-MedPAC publication. Commissioners expressed concern about using one external methodology to estimate MA coding intensity and made broader suggestions related to coding

This is an abridged and delayed release. Full ADVI Analysis content is distributed in real time for retainer clients. Get in touch to learn more about how we can support your commercialization, market access, and policy needs.

Interested in getting in touch with Allison?

Allison Schneider, MHA
