ADVI Health is a proud Presidential Sponsor of the Alliance for Health Policy’s Post-Election Symposium in Washington, DC on November 13. This symposium will be held to discuss the 2024 Presidential election outcomes and the direction of the state of healthcare. Panel presentations and keynote speakers will discuss what can be expected for health policy in the administration, Congress, and federal courts.
ADVI Health’s CEO and president, Marc Samuels, will be moderating the post-election panel, “What’s Changed and What Endures?” which will explore the evolving healthcare landscape in the wake of the election and its impact on the policy community.
ADVI experts Brenna Raines, senior director, Charles Sewell, associate, Melyssa Nocar, head of marketing and communications, Tyler Seville, senior manager, and Will Burchenal, director, will be in attendance and available to meet with clients.